Microfinance Program

Microfinance Program

Goal of the program is to poverty alleviation and empowerment of the poor. Micro-finance is a tool in the fight against poverty. It enables small entrepreneurs, who are excluded of classic banking system, to get loan in order to develop business.  Its impact is two folds i.e increased stable income, reduced vulnerability to external shocks, progression from the informal economy to the formal economy and improving living conditions, improved education and health care.

Microcredit Program is the core program of the organization. It is based on integrated development approach designed to address the needs of the target groups giving emphasis on underprivileged folks including hardcore poor women and asset-less people of rural and urban areas. During the reporting period of 2021-2022 credit programme of SEHEO attempted to attain the following broad.


  • To make credit available to the poor and helpless people who do not have access to existing (formal) credit facilities.

  • Help creating self-employment and sustainable income for the poor.

  • Mobilize savings for the poor.

  • Reduce dependency on moneylenders.

SEHEO has been operating the Microcredit Program with its own and external fund since its inception. This program has been able bring a total of 148961 members under credit services. Credit support was given to the beneficiaries in the sectors such as agriculture, flowers cultivation, poultry & livestock, dairy, beef fattening, fisheries and handicrafts. SEHEO provide four types of credit to its client i.e Rural Micro-credit, SME loan & Women entrepreneurs, Housing loan and special loan for agriculture. Apart from it also provide seasonal loan.